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- Managing M.S. with Forced Exercise Therapy at Home
Managing M.S. with Forced Exercise Therapy at Home

One of the most fulfilling things about being part of our work is receiving unsolicited messages from customers on how Theracycle exercise has improved the quality of their lives.
Susie Feldmeyer of Pennsylvania has been living with progressive Multiple Sclerosis for 11 years, and wrote us recently saying:
“My life has changed IMMENSELY since receiving the Theracycle!! I have been on the bike everyday but one, and every single thing I do has changed for the better.”
When Susie’s nurse practitioner recently told her she loves her Theracycle so much she should sell them for us, Susie replied saying “If I could drive I would be going to every physical therapy and Neurologist office this side of Pennsylvania.”
Whether for MS, for Parkinson’s disease or stroke — Theracycle customers have weighed in with enthusiastic testimonials on benefits they’ve seen from Theracycle exercise. From people with movement disorders like spinal cord injuries, arthritis or obesity who are Theracycling at home, to physicians, physical therapists and fitness specialties who recommend it to their patients — the Theracycle is getting rave reviews and powering inspiring stories of individual determination!
While we try to be ‘non-commercial’ on The Theracycle Blog, we can’t resist sharing Susie Feldmeyer’s Theracycle Story, in her own inspiring words…
Susie’s Theracycle Story: Cycling Exercise for M.S.
I was diagnosed in 2000 with progressive M.S. A friend of the family called me one day, being bedridden for a few years with M.S. herself, her advice to me was keep walking and never give up!
Its been 11 years, and I thank God my condition has slowly progressed. This past summer I was having difficulty in transferring from scooter to chair. As my mother watched me she said, “Susie you have got to exercise.” She has said this to me many times with only concern in her heart. So when she left I got on my computer and typed in “handicap exercise equipment” to search for something that might work for me.
After looking over the Theracycle site and with much discussion, I said to my husband that I couldn’t let this opportunity pass me by, and he agreed.
This is where my story begins:
With much excitement my cycle arrived…The first 2 weeks I rode for 10 minutes and 5 miles an hour every day. With my legs not moving that much for the past few years I just let my legs go around.
My legs were weak. I began to notice my legs felt better when going to sleep. I could transfer from scooter to chair much easier. My energy level was high for the first time in ages.
The next week I tried to put pressure on the pedals. My left leg being the strongest – I noticed a slight push. By week’s end both feet started to push. I couldn’t believe it! I could stand in the shower again and rinse my hair!
Throughout the next 4 months I noticed a considerable change in my daily life. Now I am riding 20 minutes a day, going 2 miles. I slowly go up in time as I progress. My husband works, so I must be very careful and stay safe!
My mother came to visit us. She asked how it was going. I said “Look Mom!!!” I stood up and her jaw dropped. I know she had tears in her eyes. I thanked my Mom for continuing to tell me I needed something to exercise with! You know the old saying “Mothers know best!”
I continue to ride everyday. My hope is to be able to stand while commercials are on when I watch TV. When I am able to stand that LONG, a walker will be my next goal.
Theracycle is changing my life one mile at a time!
Thank you Theracycle!!
–Susie Feldmeyer