Jim Wong

Valuable Tips for Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease

Californian Jim Wong was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease at age 42. Since his diagnosis he’s been a tireless champion for others with PD –someone we truly admire. Educated as a bio-scientist at Princeton and Yale, Jim’s the past President of the California Parkinson’s Group, whom The Theracycle Blog has applauded in previous posts for its initiatives…

Mt Kilimanjaro

Scaling New Heights with Parkinson’s: Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro

One of the blogs on our blogroll is “About Parkinson’s Disease” — an online destination we stop by from time to time. Operated by Robert Rodgers, Ph.D –who launched Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease back in 2005, this blog highlights five years of continuous interviews with people who have Parkinson’s Disease and which reveal there are…


Unveiling New Parkinson’s Disease Therapy: Exclusive eBook

As you may know, The Theracycle is a motorized therapy bicycle uniquely designed for individuals with PD (and other movement disorders). Because the Theracycle is motorized, it allows individuals to easily maintain the consistent pedaling cadence of forced exercise therapy. Research has shown that a therapy of assisted high-cadence cycling, referred to as “forced exercise,”…

Boston Herald Logo

Parkinson’s Disease and the Impact of Forced Exercise Bikes

Fans of the Theracycle will want to read this just-published (2-15-12) article written by Boston Herald business reporter Brendan Lynch titled “Exercise Bike Reinvented– Parkinson’s sufferers will reap benefits”  featuring an interview with Peter Blumenthal. Read on below or see the article at the BostonHerald.com website at  bit.ly/wPBTRa Boston Herald Exercise bike reinvented Parkinson’s sufferers will…

The Soothing Power of Massage Therapy for Parkinson’s Patients

  Parkinson’s disease, which is also referred to as Parkinsonism is a disorder of the central nervous system, which progressively degenerates over time. In addition to its degeneration of the motor skills, Parkinson’s disease also causes rigidity of the muscles and stiffness of the body. Tremors, slow movements, rigidity, poor balance, and difficulty in walking…

Essential Online Bookmarks for Parkinson’s E-Patients

ePatient Dave (aka Dave DeBronkart) is one of my personal heroes. While many pay lip service to helping patients to help themselves– Dave is a synonym for “patient advocate,” who through his myriad activities, speaking engagements and informative epatientdave.com website is a tireless champion for patient engagement and source of ideas and inspiration on how to…