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- Essential Online Bookmarks for Parkinson’s E-Patients
Essential Online Bookmarks for Parkinson’s E-Patients

ePatient Dave (aka Dave DeBronkart) is one of my personal heroes. While many pay lip service to helping patients to help themselves– Dave is a synonym for “patient advocate,” who through his myriad activities, speaking engagements and informative epatientdave.com website is a tireless champion for patient engagement and source of ideas and inspiration on how to use the Web for better patient outcomes.
This week Dave up a post on his website on e-Patient Resources for Parkinson’s Disease, which provides some basic info that’s worth a look from anyone interested in PD. As I’ve known Dave for several years, I reached out to him to provide a more in-depth (but, admittedly incomplete) listing of some of the top online resources for people with Parkinson’s disease, as well as PD caregivers and professionals. Here’s (for those who follow The Theracycle Blog) is the list of Bookmarks for Parkinson’s e-Patients, that we prepared and sent to ePatient Dave…
Bookmarks for Parkinson’s e-Patients
(Source: The Theracycle Blog)
Associations and Foundations focused on Parkinson’s Disease:
American Parkinson Disease Association www.apdaparkinson.org
California Parkinson Group www.calparkinsons.org/
Davis Phinney Foundation www.davisphinneyfoundation.org
Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research www.michaeljfox.org
National Parkinson Foundation www.parkinson.org
National Young Onset Center (part of APDA) www.youngparkinsons.org
Northwest Parkinson Disease Foundation www.nwpf.org
Parkinson Disease Foundation www.pdf.org
Online Patient Communities
Parkinson’s Patients Support Group www.ppsg.org/
Parkinsons Disease Forum http://www.allaboutparkinsons.com/forum/
PatientsLikeMe http://www.patientslikeme.com
23andme https://www.23andme.com/pd/
Parkinson’s Blogs:
All About Parkinson’s Blog http://www.allaboutparkinsons.com/
Parkinson’s Blog Network http://www.parkinsonsblognetwork.com/
The Theracycle Blog http://blog.theracycle.com/
Parkinson’s Bloglist https://xtheracorp.wpengine.com/articles/Theracycle-Bloglist.aspx
Delay the Disease http://delaythedisease.com/
Fight for More http://www.fightformore.com/
The Parkinson Alliance http://www.parkinsonalliance.org/
Parkinson’s Institute http://www.thepi.org/
PD Online Research http://www.pdonlineresearch.org/
Parkinson’s UK http://www.parkinsons.org.uk/
Parkinson’s Unity Walk http://www.unitywalk.org/
Ride with Larry http://ridewithlarrymovie.com/
World Parkinson’s
Congress (October 2013) http://www.worldpdcongress.org/